Thorny Affair

Category: By - Duck -
On the 10th of August 2007, the FAITH group of the Bethany Impact Group (BIG) had a gala time feasting on the local fruits. All the FAITH members were encouraged to bring some local fruits for the meeting. Some brought durians, mangoesteen, langsat and some weird looking rambutan. If I am not mistaken it's called Memperah or Memulas? Whatever...anyway our dearest Uncle Eng Keong traveled all the way down to Rawang just to buy a huge basket of durians! He deserves the BIG Host of the Year award! Thank you Uncle Eng Keong for giving us the opportunity to feast upon the King of Fruits ala BUFFET style!

"Irresistible! Mr.Durian, I am going to rip the flesh out of your skin! RAWRZ" - Kel Vin

This is what happens when a person consume durians beyond the safe limit. Hallucination, speaking in weird language with devastating breath, ecstatic movement of the head (look at Uncle R***), cheeky smiles, misguided truth (Uncle Eng Keong deserves the BIG Host of the Year award) and many other weird behaviors are common symptoms of Durian OverDose.

All in all, we had a wonderful time together as a family in Christ.

From Duck to Swan
Signing out at 1.17 am - 13th of August 2007

P.S - LOVE group please don't be jealous. We did invite you guys to come over but you guys turned down the offer. =)


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