Introducing "Introvertism"
Introvert, are reserved, thoughtful, and self-reliant. They are not necessarily asocial, but they tend to have smaller circles of friends, and are less likely to thrive on making new social contacts. (wikipedia)
Introvertism: A belief that tells one to view perspective from within and only from within. Everything that is not from within is of the without. A person that indulge in this belief; has a need to constantly seclude themselves to recharge and rejuvenate. This belief can be further separated into Positive Introvertism and Negative Introvertism.
Positive Introvertism: The ideal of having a perspective from within. It is characterized as being still, prayerful, and God-reliant. It is a person that constantly draws insight and strength from within (Holy Spirit that resides in our heart). Taking time to reflect and be still. Shutting-off the social clamours and taking time to refresh the soul.
Negative Introvertism: The ideal of looking at the "I" from within. It is characterized as being anxious, sensitive and self-conscious. It is a person that constantly frets about himself and having fear on other's perspective on him/her. Taking time to indulge and submerge in self-pity. Constantly putting blame on the social circle for the feeling of inadequacy. This belief is often link to Inferiority Complex.
Terms and words adapted from the -Ducktionary-
You must be wondering, why I am bringing up some self-written terms to you. Well, being an Introvert myself I find myself constantly struggling with the issue of existence and worthiness. For those that know me pretty well, you must be thinking that I must be out of my mind to call myself an Introvert since you have definitely heard me making noise and being the life-wire of the group. Before I continue, let me rephrase the definition of Introvert to you. "They are not necessarily asocial, but they tend to have a smaller group of friends." So to you guys, I feel comfortable to be myself around you so you get to see the "inner" me. Anyway, back to the topic.
When a person indulges in the Negative Introvertism, the person may fall into a few traps that could lock them in their own self-built dungeon of despair. These are the traps that I would like to point out to you;
1) Self-Worth: I am not worthy enough to be around people. I am not that good.
2) Self-Pity: Who would want to be around a troublesome person like me? I have no friends.
3) Self-Agony: No one understands and no one cares. Who cares enough to know?
Once a person falls into these 3 traps they will find themselves digging deeper and deeper as they struggles to climb out of the trap. Perhaps some don't even realize that they are in the trap. Negative Introvertism could rip a person's confidence and sense of existence apart. This will further lead them to be subjected to depression and sadness. It's not the best experience to be in. I constantly find myself falling into this trap.
On the contrary, Positive Introvertism is about looking at God rather than looking at oneself. It is the best remedy for a hurting heart and the best counter to the traps of the Negative Introvertism. When we channel our thoughts from the "I" to God, our perspective changes. We will be thinking less about ourselves and more about God. That is exactly what Jesus did. Jesus constantly withdrew Himself to pray.
"But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed." – Luke 5:16
Stop focusing on ourselves and start focusing on God. Be prayerful and you will soon find yourself to be God-reliant. We will start to rely on God in everything that we do.
I find many introverted people tends to look at the extraverted counterpart and wishes to be like them. (Not all of the introverted feels this way, I for one belonged to the group that couldn't care less with the antiques that our extraverted counterpart does. Ignorance is bliss). My friends you don't have to.
Celebrate the fact that you are an Introvert for each of us is fearfully and wonderfully made by God. Take up the Positive Introvertism and allow the fullness of God to fill our heart.
From Duck to Swan
Signing out at 1.38pm - 23rd November 2007